December 15, 2018
Written by Heather Hope
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Cyclists, lawmakers and community members in the north county came together on Saturday in an effort to make their streets safer.
Cyclists took over the streets in Encinitas all for one special bicycle safety advocate, Roberta Walker.
The ride went past the very place where Walker was hit by a truck early last Saturday while riding her bike on North Coast Highway near Phoebe Street in Leucadia.
Walker suffered broken bones and serious injuries to her brain and spine and is listed as being in critical, but stable condition at the hospital.
One of Walker’s neighbors read a letter from Walker’s husband that said in part, “Let's give her a break so she can heal her shattered body and make her proud by using this unfortunate circumstance to move us all closer to a better safer Encinitas."
The biggest message at the ride was a push for safer streets.
Newly elected Assemblymember, Tasha Boerner Horvath was in tears over her friend, Roberta Walker.
The community held hands for the emotional event where cyclists also heard from the mayor of Encinitas, Catherine Blakespear. Blakespear said, “Roberta, she is a warrior...she's a warrior, so when your warrior is taken down in the middle of the fight to make a better world, we all rally together to say that is unacceptable."